Friday, June 17, 2011

Flip Flops Found?

This is beautiful.
Rachel and Laura- you are little angels. This brought me to tears.

Dear Jenna,

While reading your blog we realized we might have found your pink shiny flip flops!  They were never lost; they were in our shop the whole time.  We thought they were a “return”, but then we saw the sand, brushed it off, and realized the soles were worn and must have traveled many places.  So we decided to hold them and take good care of them. We knew that someday the rightful owner would come looking for them. Just as you said, “they are the most beautiful pair you had ever seen, and very recognizable.” Anytime you would like to claim them, let us know and we will send them to you free of charge.

P.S. Your  flip flops still have that same “sparkle” you describe in your blog and they will be always there for you to wear in case you can’t find your Reebok High Tops. So you’ll have 2 pairs—one to wear and one a spare!


Rachel and Laura
Cottage Flip Flops
Cottage Flip Flops on Etsy

On June 20th, 2011 Rachel and Laura sent me the flip flops I left behind in the sand 7 months ago. These shoes are without a doubt more sparkly, bedazzled, and vibrant than how I remembered them.  Thank you for doing this- it means so much to me.

To check out the one of a kind Twist Out Cancer flip flops go to Twist out Cancer Flip Flops on Etsy

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